ps. ok now i'm going to listen :)


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beauty as an ontological state... sigh

i do look forward to listening to this...

it's something which, i haven't read much of, at all. / right now, i have 2 thoughts... i currently look really hideous, bc i am on antibiotics and then i got a sunburn...and now my face is like.. not even recognizable 😂😵‍💫🥺😳seriously. so.

speaking as an entity from this current state... ( and its actually shockingly bad... not being hyperbolic ) um... i don't feel evil or anything. lol. i don't feel that i've ontologically transformed at all... but... maybe that's far from what Plato speaks about;

also;;; i have another thought which is very related to beauty: that is, appreciating the elegant. / i have realized just in this past year, that i feel vunerable when i am appreciating something rare and beautiful~ and somehow , socially... that it can open me up to attack. And then i thought to myself, there must be a way to be in this mode ( which i DO think is ontological! ) ... and, to not have this...? feeling along with it... and since i have been getting into the whole Marxist, class consciousness study and thought this year, i've noticed that the working class people in general~ will sense this and attack... and instead of reacting to this, which i am seeing more and more of as i pay attention... i wish to change how i myself exist in that mode, so that i do not give off this energy which is making me fragile as i do it. Does anyone else notice this?

So, anyway, it is good to go into a reading with some questions, i think ;)

though, what Plato covers may not touch on either of those two 😉

[ plus i am bringing a class conscious awareness to philosophy, when i can ]

the discourse on the university, i think.. has much to do with class as well...

I've been vacationing in rural towns in the midwest of the us... and i've been talking to people who work at the factories around here...and i am definitely picking up on a social code,

and its even near to being violent, i'd say! not physically, but psychologically~

it's like, if you go beyond certain styles of clothes, or speak in ways that are not friendly seeming but also with a lot of more kind of crude words... i can feeeel it, really strongly sometimes.. like, i'll be in a rural gas station...

so, i can see how rural and some midwestern people regulate each other; and it's horrible.

i think energy is more of the ontological key : the energy and consciousness

so, yeah .. it's one thing to read political theory and very much another... to be in the midst of the supposed people you are cluelessly reading about.

i am considering even getting like a factory job... i am reaching my limits with reading politcal theory like i'm an alien from anothet planet...

not that i necessarily even believe in communism per se, but; i am upset at the reality that capitalism has wrecked upon this earth... and i want to do something about it, not just read philosophy and theory!

😀 it's difficult but not impossible, right?

for one thing, to get rural and blue collar workers to not feel like that has to be their identity, and that someone who is into the liberal arts, is NOT looking down on them, because i'm sure thats the root of how this whole identity developed. and! to make the liberal arts truly available to them.

so.. time to reach out! its up to people whom are already into the liberal arts to extend themselves, and to say, hey- lets abolish class altogether! let's unite against this horrorshow of capitalsim...

so im not much of a communist either, because they freak out and destroy all the beautiful art!

perhaps, a true revolution which abolishes all class, and capitalism, yet highly values the liberal arts!

the more philosophy i read, the more aware i become, and then, i can't stand it anymore... must do something, yet with preserving the arts! 🌼🪻🪷

ah, do a course on that, omg that would be ☺️💣fire... and maybe we could all understand heidegger as well...hehehe. included, in that.

[ reach out to the rural people and the blue collar workers who have been belittled by the pmc, and! reach out to the communists who think that as a part of destroying class, we need to destroy the liberal arts! ] yeah!

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